About Dead-Frog

Dead-Frog is my small attempt to raise the bar in how people talk about comedy. Comedy is very binary by nature: funny or not funny. But there are shadings and, with some insight, an appreciation can be found for something that didn't make you laugh before. Or even better, the next time you see a show or performer you didn't get, you'll laugh yourself silly. Some highlights include...

About Todd Jackson

Todd Jackson

Here's me: I've been working with funny stuff for more than ten years, most prominently as the Editorial Director for Comedy Central's web arm and as Managing Editor of Cracked Magazine. I also co-authored a humor book with a couple of friends called "Chelsea Clinton Freshman Notebook", which is probably the beginning but hopefully not the end of my FBI file.


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To find out what I can do and see samples of my work, visit toddjacksonworks.com.