Born: March 10, 1966
BlueMeter: Risqué

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Next Tour Date

Sunday | March 16
Cleveland, OH

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2015 Angry Pursuit of Happiness
2013 Voice In My Head
2011 Neverlution
2009 Love Is Evol
2008 Norman Rockwell is Bleeding
2007 The Fifth Annual End of the World Tour

Specials (and other video)

2016 Christopher Titus: Born with a Defect
2015 Christopher Titus: The Angry Pursuit of Happiness
2013 Christopher Titus: Voice in My Head
2009 Christopher Titus: Love is Evol
2007 Christopher TItus: The Fifth Annual End of the World Tour
2006 Live at Gotham (Episode 104)

Features multiple performers

2004 Christopher TItus: Norman Rockwell Is Bleeding
2002 USO Comedy Tour
1997 Premium Blend (Season 1)

Features multiple comedians

Books (by and about)

No books by or about this comedian.


Born in Worchester, Massachusetts, Christopher Titus spent most of his life growing up with his dysfunctional family in California. His mother Juanita was a schizophrenic. His father Ken was a heavy drinker, bringing home many women who were less than appropriate stepmother for the young Titus. Over time Titus' father would be married and divorced six times.

After one semester of business classes as a local community college, Titus quit. He began driving to San Francisco to attend open mikes. As his material began to turn towards the screwed up parts of his own life, he found audience began to respond.

In the late 90s, coming off of several successful appearances at the Just For Laughs Comedy Festival in Montreal, Titus began to develop working on a one man show. The result was "Norman Rockwell is Bleeding." The show inspired the eponymous sitcom "Titus", which ran for three seasons on the Fox network. "Norman Rockwell is Bleeding" came to television directly as well, becoming a Showtime special in 2004.

Much of Titus' act is marked by turning the difficult parts of his life into material for performance. He has talked about his mother's mental illness, his father's death and his own divorce on stage. Titus often admit that, at first, much of these experience are difficult to talk about - specifically mentioned how he almost broke down the first few times he attempted to talk about his mother being committed to a mental institution on stage.

In November of 2006, Titus toured Iraq entertaining the troops. Some of his experiences become fodder for his "Fifth Annual End of the World Tour" special and album.

In 2006, he filed for divorce from his wife Erin of 15 years. (Titus found out the divorce was finalized in between his first and second show at a Dallas comedy club) They have two children together.