Tosh.0 Not Just Calling the Net Zeroes

Filed Under Funny 2.0

Tosh.0 premieres tonight on Comedy Central, which is sort of nets first attempt at doing a series about viral video. They’ve become a little cookie-cutter, get funny guy with an over the shoulder shot of the mock web video, make snarky comments. Repeat for a half hour.

Daniel Tosh looks for Tosh.0 be a little different, perhaps realizing that the viral video folks are more than just targets. There’s more and better jokes to be gained by actually talking with them. Here’s a teaser clip from Tosh.0 that I enjoyed, simply because it treats the target like a human being a little. It features the man nicknamed “Afro Ninja”, who fell flat on his face when he attempted a back flip. Daniel goes over what went wrong and then gives a chance for a “Web Redemption”, which looks to be a regular feature for the show.

I actually didn’t expect this of Daniel Tosh, who’s very funny but has one of the most caustic acts I’ve seen - one that doesn’t really give you an ideal of anything he actually likes. The over-the-shoulder thing is something he could do in his sleep. Hopefully the show will be much more “Web Redemption” than TV commenting on the web.

Tosh.0 premieres tonight on Comedy Central at 10 PM.

After the jump, Tosh recorded a little greet for Dead-Frog readers. If being encouraged to watch the show semi-personally might help you watch Tosh.0, click “more”

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Posted by Tony H on 06/05  at  02:51 AM

I’m a huge fan of Tosh’s standup, to the point where I’m ambivalent about him wasting his time on yet another Soup-style clip show.

That said, the show’s not bad. I agree that it works best when he steps away from the green screen and gets out among the meme-people. The segment with Afroninja wound up having a lot of heart. They won’t all be as interesting and aware of themselves as Afroninja was, but if Tosh can squeeze 8-10 minutes out of getting to know someone for 10 weeks without getting as mean as he can sometimes get, then the show might last.

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