Bunny Burgers: Spy Magazine’s Real Satiric Bite
Filed Under Pranks
This was one of my favorite Spy Magazine pranks in print, but I never saw the TV version of it until somebody uploaded it to YouTube recently. It’s called Bunny Burgers, a pretty atrocious idea for fast food made worse by actively emphasizing that “Bunny” part at every possible moment.
Just a brilliant idea. And though it has lot of nice reaction shots from the general public, the real satiric bite isn’t on them. It’s a prank where one set of “victims” make fools of the real target - the PR firms who’d actually compete to represent it. A rare contrast that hasn’t been done since on television, despite the proliferation of prank shows in the past ten years on cable. (via Maximum Fun)
Previously: Interview with Spy co-founder Kurt Andersen
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