Golden Girls + Sopranos - Focus Group = Arrested Development

Great details on the process of making “Arrested Development” in the AV Club’s interview with creator Mitchell Hurwitz. Earlier I wondered just how Hurwitz’s time on the… Read More

Does Comedy Lack Social Importance or is Sundance Too Self Important?

On Blogging Sundance, Jason Calacanis wonders if there should not be a separate award at the Sundance Film Festival for Comedy, citing that funny films just can’t compete against films that are… Read More

Bring Me Lorne’s Head! I Shall Drink Wine From It! (better?)

Reader Mike Gerber commented that I was far too charitable with Lorne Michaels in a previous post on Saturday Night Live. At the time, I was imagining I was damming with faint praise, but I can see… Read More

Cross Out “Homer,” Write “Peter”

The Onion’s AV Club features an interview with “Family Guy” and “American Dad” creator Seth McFarlane, which he asserts among other things, that the… Read More

And Then the Mother Fing… Wait, I’m Telling it Wrong.

Paul Provenza and Penn Jillette premiered their new film “Aristocrats” at the Sundance Film Festival. The film is primarily the telling of one joke over and over again by comics as varied… Read More

Johnny Carson, 1925-2005

I would state this is such a void in the comedy world, but Carson was so good to his word about retiring that to most of the public and the industry, the void was already there. And that’s… Read More

Gallagher Busts Heads! Raise Your Sheets!

Gallagher is pissed. He’s disappointed that in Comedy Central’s 100 Greatest Stand-Ups of All Time, he was only 100. And in this interview with the Oregonian, he proceeds to trash all the… Read More
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