He is the rockstar of comedy. He gives PERFORMANCES. A true original. Stream of consciousness rattling off with preposterously funny, smart material (often historically based) embedded with only-Eddie-could-do personifications… all with a bit of English drag. LOVE him. Humble, meaningful, hysterical comedy genius rockstar.
Very intelligent and has a lot of upbeat energy. His specials do run a smidgeon long and at points feel like you’re being bombarded with information, they are still enjoyable. His material is well thought through and his jokes well delivered on the most part. Has a very unique style, considering a lot of his jokes are historically or culturally themed (some being entirely in foreign languages) they aim towards the intelligent, sometimes making him a bit difficult to connect to. However, he stops himself from slipping into the depths of pretentiousness by being energetic and friendly. Highly suggest, very brilliant comic.
Eddie Izzard is my #1 favorite comedian of all time. Though some of his stand-up has had moments where it misses or lingers too long on a particular bit, his tear-inducing observations about history, literature and the human experience in general more than make up for his occasional (rare, really) miss. He is a genius of comedy and 100% deserved the two Emmy’s he received for Dressed to Kill. I undoubtedly believe he should be listed up there with the likes of George Carlin, Richard Pryer, and of course now Louis C K, Jerry Seinfeld, Chris Rock, Russell Peters and Brian Regan. If anyone does not know Russell Peters or Brian Regan, FIND THEM NOW!
Truly unique in his delivery and material. Few comedians are both funny and entertaining. Dress to Kill is iconic.
One of my favourite comedians. My sister gave me his DVD’s for Christmas several years ago and I’ve been a fan ever since.
Brilliant and well-written material accompanied by a quirky, occasionally distracting delivery.
Rambling and whimsical, but sometimes his joke misses the mark. When they hit though, it’s hysterical.
His observational humor is some of the best and he is an amazing serious actor.
Material a bit off-beat at times, but in general very enjoyable to watch. Excellent deliivery.
I was stunned when I first saw Eddie’s stand-up. His performance possessed a wide range of energy levels which I find much more interesting to watch than comics who have a single personae. Sometimes he wildly spins about the stage, loud and over the top but then, in the next instant he is conversationally chatting, urbane and cool. Both styles are even more funny in contrast to each other. Another impressive quality of Eddie’s stand-up is how greatly he varies his subject matter. He may follow an examination of Plato or gun control or the 3 Monotheistic religions with a (funny ‘cause it’s true) rant on grocery store line strategy or the impersonal personal computer and then do a single line impersonation of a pirate’s parrot that is so funny you’ll pee yourself! Really, what more can you ask from a comedian?
Oh, how about “Make it different every time, will you?” Because of his intelligence, skill and love of what he does, Eddie basically improvises every show on the spot! So many comics practice the same bit over and over till its perfect but identical every time. With Eddie if you are lucky enough to see him live (and you should do all you can to do just that!) your experience will be a unique one, created just between you and he on that night. And there’s no need to applaud every time he makes you laugh. Your laughter alone is enough for Eddie so that he doesn’t interrupt his flow; more laugh time for you! For these and many more reasons he is my favorite comedian overall. Go buy his DVDs!
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