I have a couple of notes for the mostly entertaining Mr. Meadows: Maybe don’t insult the city you’re performing in right out of the gate. St. Louis is more than the Arch - next time you’re on WTF with Marc Maron ask him about it. Second, you come off shallow and bitter - and most importantly, unfunny - when you whine about why you don’t have Will Farrell’s career. (He actually said if he did, he would just fly over STL and wouldn’t “have” to come here and do stand up - how’s that for love?)
Another low point is a “I love weed” that would have fit in a 1970s Cheech & Chong bit.
BUT there were many smart, funny moments. Overall it was enjoyable, though I don’t think I need to bother seeing him again.
Literally prepared nothing. I will never get that time back. Repeated “I really love weed” about 15 times in a row, talked about how he hates white people hair, just bashed Donald Trump (nothing even clever just “Man he should’ve been stopped” and “I miss Obama”), talked about what he’s in coming up, and how he wouldn’t have to come to our town if he were as big as William Ferrell, talked to audience members about drivel “Oh what’s that shirt? Oh you like that band. Ok cool” and acted like his last 3 minutes of Ladies Man was a real treat. Help yourself. Do NOT waste a minute watching him. I could stand up there and talk about a grocery list and be funnier. Ugh. Disgusted.
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