Born: 1974
BlueMeter: Dirty

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Next Tour Date

Friday | February 14
Ari Shaffir: The Farewell Tour
Laugh Out Loud Comedy Club
San Antonio, TX

See all tour dates for Ari Shaffir



2023 Jew
2015 Passive Aggressive
2015 Paid Regular
2012 Revenge for the Holocaust
2011 Laughing Skull Comedy Festival 2011 - Quarter Finals - Album Three

Features multiple comedians

Specials (and other video)

2022 Ari Shaffir: JEW
2017 Ari Shaffir: Double Negative: Children
2017 Ari Shaffir: Double Negative: Adulthood
2016 This Is Not Happening: Drugs

Storytelling show. Features multiple comedians.

2016 This Is Not Happening: Blunder

Storytelling show. Features multiple comedians.

2016 This Is Not Happening: Scumbag

Storytelling show. Features multiple comedians.

2015 This Is Not Happening: Friendship

Storytelling show. Features multiple comedians.

2015 Ari Shaffir:  Paid Regular
2014 Comedy Underground with Dave Attell Season 1: Episode 2
2013 Passive Aggressive
2013 Funny as Hell (Season 3)

Featured Multiple Comedians. Aired on HBO Canada.

2008 Down and Dirty with Jim Norton

Features multiple comedians

2004 Latino Laugh Festival

Features multiple comedians

Books (by and about)

No books by or about this comedian.


Amongst other works, Ari Shaffir is probably most well-known for a series of comedy works entitled "The Amazing Racist," the title is a play on that of the reality television show The Amazing Race. In these shorts, "The Amazing Racist" is seen acting in a manner which is overtly and ironically racist. Shaffir filmed many of his offensive encounters for the DVD National Lampoon's Lost Reality. They were then ripped to the internet by hundreds of different nerds and seen by millions of people. Watching the videos makes many people laugh and many people very angry. Shaffir gets death threats at least once a week and loves them all. If you haven’t seen the videos, Google him. Please don’t watch them at work because you’ll get fired.

Shaffir has also been featured on the HBO show Down and Dirty with Jim Norton, TBS’ show Minding the Store, ESPN Classic’s Cheap Seats: Without Ron Parker, Latino Laugh Festival on Si TV, has made a few appearances on The Opie and Anthony Show, including the greatest day of radio of all time, Babybird, and you probably have seen him on one of the dozens of national commercials he has whored himself in over the years.

Shaffir's first love is stand up though, and he is a regular at all the major clubs in Los Angeles. For the last few years, he has been touring nationally with Joe Rogan. Shaffir tends to describe his comedy as a puppet show, but way filthier and without the puppets. Shaffir wrote this biography, so every time it says “Shaffir did this,” or “Shaffir did that,” it’s really Shaffir writing it about himself. Shaffir feels like a tool for having done that.

Please don’t come to the show if you’re easily offended, or if you don’t like hearing Jews tell awful stories about sexual misconduct, or if you hate fun. Everyone else, please do come.