Category: Sketch Comedy

Vote in the ECNY Awards

Nominees are set, vote now. Read More

My Sabbatical’s Over, Chappelle’s Continues

Chappelle's gone... and maybe for good reason. Read More

Short is Too Much

Martin Short isn't lame, he's simply too broad for his own good. Read More

Wonder Showzen - TV Horrorhouse

Why TV Funhouse didn’t last confused me. Though its connecting puppet sketches didn’t really work, everything else, the short films and animated parodies, was pretty spot-on. After… Read More

Next SNL, Pause Your TiVo and Find the Phallus.

SNL guest host David Spade used a Owen Wilson impersonation to sneak a penis nose past the censors. Aristophanes would approve. I’ve been thinking that if a FCC crackdown does happen, that… Read More

Bring Me Lorne’s Head! I Shall Drink Wine From It! (better?)

Reader Mike Gerber commented that I was far too charitable with Lorne Michaels in a previous post on Saturday Night Live. At the time, I was imagining I was damming with faint praise, but I can see… Read More

Quality SNL? You’re SOL.

The second article from Sunday’s NY Times was on everyone’s favorite comedy punching bag, Saturday Night Live and it’s recent fascination with celeb-focused sketches. I don’t… Read More
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