Category: Satire

South Park is Quite Reasonable.

South Park's Matt and Trey are fair and balanced, but not in the Fox News sense. Read More

The Iraqi Fake News of “Hurry Up, He’s Dead”

Iraq has it's own version of fake news, but it's a bit broader. Does that account for it's success? Read More

Jon Stewart, Comedian - Not Candidate and Not Anchor

It's come to this: a comedian has to disavow a run for the White House. Read More

Letterman & Colbert: Two Comics Who Know What’s Going On.

Utne Reader says Colbert's appearance on Letterman showed he was something of the past. Is that true? Read More

“Daily Show”, Jon Stewart Still Funny

And neither are keeping any brilliant minds from going into politics. Read More

Kazakhstan v. Borat?

Kazakhstan may have oil and modern attitudes to women, but it can't take a joke. Read More

Wonder Showzen - TV Horrorhouse

Why TV Funhouse didn’t last confused me. Though its connecting puppet sketches didn’t really work, everything else, the short films and animated parodies, was pretty spot-on. After… Read More
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