
Joined: Feb 21, 2008 | Last Visit: Feb 21, 2008

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Favorite Comedians

George Carlin


If I had to say it, I would say it like him. Unfortunately, I’m lame qua deliverance, and so on.

That guy’s the gist or the gift of humanity to the world. If one person redeems humanity is got to be him. I vote him as messiah or whatever the name is: the probable savior of humans on this otherwise doomed planet full of stupid religionists.


If I had to say it, I would say like him. Unfortunately, I’m lame qua deliverance, and so on. That guy’s the gist of humanity to the world. If one person redeems humanity is got a be him. I vote him as messias or whatever the name is: the probable savior of humans on this otherwise doomed planet full of stupid religionists.

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