NYC Sketch Groups Fight to Shoot

Filed Under Sketch Comedy

Adam Conover of Olde English brought this to my attention. In New York, the Mayor’s film office is/was considering some rather oppressive rules for filming crews - which naturally would hurt a lot of the burgeoning sketch groups in New York City. They made a rap to make their case. Look for cameos of many other sketch groups who also use New York as a backdrop.

Today is the last day to comment, but it looks like Olde English and others’ activism has already had an effect. The commission is re-drafting the rules and when done, will put them up again for another 30 day commenting period. Hopefully, they’ll be open enough that Olde English and others can put their talents to use outside of viral activism. If not, sequel-time - perhaps a R&B riff on shooting in NYC being “Trapped in the Closet.”

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