Denis Leary Shares “Why We Suck”

Filed Under Print, Stand-Up Comedy

Denis Leary is pimping an upcoming book of his online. Though Leary is a doctor (honorary) now, he hasn’t written the self-home tome he proposed in “No Cure for Cancer” (which was called, typically, “Shut the Fuck Up.”) This book is entitled “Why We Suck: A Feel Good Guide to Staying Fat, Loud, Lazy and Stupid “ Here’s the promotional video for it, which features a rant, allbeit more subdued, about the fat portion of the book.

The toilet seat in the car thing isn’t all that new, but I liked the line about Dr. Phil’s next book. And when I say “not new” I don’t mean he’s stealing it. But I’m sure Bill Hicks fans will be scouring for passages similar to anything the late comic said or wrote.

Stand-ups and books are a little dicey. Some comics are performers more than writers and their energy really can’t translate - it’s how they say them that’s funny. Where Leary falls in there I don’t know. He can write (despite what Hicks fans say - he’s done funny stuff past HIcks), but a ranting style is often what gives the jokes the oomph. We’ll see…

Update: I don’t know why, but the book publishers actually deleted the video at some point. A really dumb move - as I’ve gotten lots of traffic from the book and they gotten a taste here. It’s seems to be off the Internet. There is a video that appears to be from the same shoot on the Amazon Page for “Why We Suck” in case you really want to see Leary rant.

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Posted by Maggie Burnett on 11/28  at  08:37 PM

OMG the funniest book I have ever read. The only problem is that I was laughing so hard I was crying and couldnt see the words so I had to keep stopping to dry my eyes and catch my breath. I too grew up when Mr.Leary did and also in a Irish catholic family and I can relate. Everything he talks about in this book I agree with. This should be required reading for EVERYONE!!!!!

Posted by Jami on 01/06  at  10:54 PM

Seriously hilarious, seriously scary book .  Funny and sad because it’s so frickin true .  The quotes on the back had me pissing myself before I even cracked the spine.
Leary needs to write more !

Posted by kyokoumei on 02/28  at  11:00 PM

great book

definitely worth the $14.95 plus tax at Costco.

Posted by seth restivo on 01/12  at  07:35 PM

Denis Leary is the man!! Fuck Bill Hicks!!!

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