CIMBY: Comedy, In My Backyard

Filed Under Live Events, Stand-Up Comedy

I mentioned that The Comedy Festival in Vegas lacked more low-fi shows. Besides the Garage Comedy show I attended, another alternative show going on at the time was a Backyard Comedy Show that I missed. But some footage of it just made the web. Here’s the video featuring Brody Stevens and Morgan Murphy, as well as the show’s founder Brandt Tobler.

Obviously, a little bit of this is had to be there stuff. But I dig the idea a lot. People getting together, probably mostly the comics and the comedy nerds, bringing a lawn chair (yep, it’s BYO Seat) and laughing. This show is something I can really see working over the web. So much of stand-up is presented cleanly - too cleanly. Seeing stand-up performed intimately, emphasizing the communal nature of laughter by making the show like a get together between friends. And then, if you’re going to share it with the world on the web, make it like that same group filmed it with handheld cameras, cell phone cameras, etc. all cut together.

Of course, some people’s backyards are bigger than others. The last show in February, which featured Doug Stanhope had 250 people at it, according to Backyard Comedy’s myspace page. How big is too big for something intimate?

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Posted by Julie on 03/24  at  08:47 PM

Nice. And yeah, you so missed out…

Posted by JackSzwergold on 03/24  at  11:22 PM

There’s a small trend of these “Let’s put on a show!” comedy shows happening and I think it’s awesome.  The Crackpot Comedy Tour is another example:

Posted by Marty_Malt on 03/25  at  02:22 AM

I think this is absolutely brilliant. There is no reason comedy has to be performed in a preapproved designated comedy area. Its the most basic of performances. You need a microphone and an audience.

Chase Roper
Posted by Chase Roper on 03/26  at  06:04 PM

What an awesome idea. This is such a great way o combine my two favorite things in the world. Great Stand-Up and BBQ.

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