Aspen… On the Edge

Filed Under Aspen Comedy Festival

Kristen Schaal joyously hosted this unfortunately titled event (why tell us it’s edgy?), almost appearing like a gangsta moll from a old movie in voice and look. She opened with showing us her audition to be the chubby grocer on an episode of Law & Order SVU, the lines quickly degenerating into her cramming chocolate doughnuts into her mouth while crying about her dead friend. She asked if the chocolate on her teeth made her endearing. Yes it does, Kristen. Yes it does.

Next was Becky Drysdale, who played up her resentment for returning for a five minute spot in someone else’s show after she had been the “most amazing greatest comic of 2005 ever” in last year’s fest. She had Kristen had a wonderful interplay, with Kristen advising her sweetly to go for “joke, laugh, joke, laugh, joke, laugh” instead of her reliving last year’s glory. Drysdale played a song that told off the crowd for making her a monster, including a direction to “suck her lady ham.”

Two of the Whitest Kids U Know came out next as blind comedy brothers Paul and Dennis. Even though I expected a good fall, the intensity of the header taken by “Dennis” (Trevor Moore) was so incredible, I was still surprised. He ended up lost in the audience and Paul soon followed trying to save his brother, both crawling all over audience member to reach the other. After they reunited, attention was quickly turned to a WKUK video entitled “Supersize Me with Whiskey.”

Kristen Schaal then felt moved enough to play a song, but soon takes quite a spill herself. Her attempts to continue on despite her new bloody head wound brought cries from her and much, much laughter from the crowd.

The meat of the show was dedicated to “At Least it’s Pink” - a medley of songs relating the small town slut life of Bridget Everett, with keyboards by Kenny Mellman. My favorite song was a semi-gospel number where she implored “Feel me up! Feel me up! With the touch of a man.” The religious ecstacy drove her into the crowd, rubbing herself against various audience members (and briefly touching the head of Baron Vaughn). Bridget became increasingly disheveled as the set goes along, with the encore about her “can hole” bringing us all to a very dark place.

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